Good bye November 2006

November 30, 2006

After reviewing my november encounters, I realise that I have been going out for lunch quite frequently and that’s why I have to resort to stop driving to work… Even my colleagues agrees to pay my petrol but having meals outside is really a big bomb… Once a month still ok la… But once a week… >.<

After joining MOTO for 2 months, I started to have routines. Every morning 9am breakfast time, noon will have lunch, 3pm will have break time… OMG!!!! Kekeke… No wonder my butt keeps growing bigger… :p
Not only that orh… I had 2 bbqs one after another…. What’s worst???? Another bbq coming this week & steamboat with colleagues after Xmas… OMG!!!!!! (o-_-o) I can imagine how I look like after gaining 5kg… 😥

It’s rather a lucky month as 姨丈 and didi are really lucky to win some money. Whatever they gain, will also impact on us. Means my angbao gonna be bigger… *Evil Grin*

Coming to bad part, money still not enough for me but I can still save as much as I can and survive throughout…. After jan, I will be relieved…. Eyelid still jumping but somehow I’m numb about it and hardly feel it’s existance…

Well, let’s see what’s lies ahead of me on dec… ^-^)/

Batam trip cancelled?!?

November 30, 2006

For 3days2nights accommodation & food @ $200+/pax is too costly for me… Plus I have to pay mama’s share… Too xiong for me…

Rd tax & insurance coming, don’t think will save enough for it… I need at least 1.8k… 😥 钱不够用!!! O_o

Fat fat de…

November 30, 2006

Eh oh… Getting fatter & fatter… Soon I will be as big size as my mama…. O_o What can i do what can i do????? Too stress to think… 😥

Simple Beauty

November 30, 2006

Simple is simple but most ppl want a more difficult life O_o

Adventure to Yishun Central

November 30, 2006

On our way back

Missing ppl… OMG!!!!

My pepper chicken with rice wrapped with egg… Good!!!!

Sushi Chee Cheong Fan (Got cucumber, carrot, seaweed, peanut, egg $3.50 sia…)


November 30, 2006

Cute cute darling’s niece… hehehe… I take her pic then she don’t smile, i didn’t take then she smile… >.<

SMS from uncle coke

November 30, 2006



I chose MRT if it’s free ride… hahaha… O_o

Act cute me

November 29, 2006

Really bo liao take pic of myself but Will say me so old still act cute… >.<


November 29, 2006

If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM
machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse.

For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321. The
ATM recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you
placed in the machine.

The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to
the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you.

This information was recently broadcasted on TV and it states that it is
seldom used because people don’t know it exists.

Please pass this along to everyone possible.

Don’t be blur la… What if my pin is 6226???? Hahaha

16-Feb-06 Kallang Mcd again?

November 28, 2006